Subsidies Walloon Region

Chèques Entreprises

Brantsandpatents is registered as a recognized provider of the Chèques entreprises of the Walloon Government. This means that you can obtain subsidies through us for, among other things, patent research, patent landscaping, and Freedom to operate analysis.

More information can be found on the website of the Walloon government.

Subsidies for patent costs

Walloon SMEs can receive financial support for the costs related to the procedure from filing the patent application up to and including to the grant of the patent.

Through various forms of subsidies, 15 to 50% of attorney and official fees are covered, invoiced by a recognized patent attorney (brantsandpatents).

An SME can submit a subsidy application at any time during the patent procedure via the electronic platform "ONTIME" of the Walloon government. Further information and the conditions for applying for subsidies can be found on the website of the Walloon government.

Make an appointment without obligation with one of our experts from the patent department and call us on +32 (0) 9 230 83 38, or send an email to

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